Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Aubrey Plaza x ASOS / 'Evil Hag' Appreciation Post

Aubrey Plaza Fashion Up ASOS Cover Magazine

I usually don't like to post editorials and add to the Internet clutter of mundane and irrelevant commentary, but this is one clutter I must grant aforementioned mundane and irrelevant commentary. I just can't pass up any opportunity to fan girl over Aubrey Plaza, a.k.a my favorite character on Parks and Recreation (Leslie Knope comes a close second). She's genuinely the creepy queen of weird, death stares and social inappropriateness, all the while being hilarious and her no bullshit self and basically everything I want to be in life okay?!

So anyway, she's on the cover of ASOS's magazine app thing this month. While I'm on the topic of ASOS, did they change buyers or something? I swear, all their clothes got uglier.

Aubrey Plaza Fashion Up ASOS Cover Magazine

Aubrey Plaza Fashion Up ASOS Cover Magazine

Aubrey Plaza Fashion Up ASOS Cover Magazine

Aubrey Plaza Fashion Up ASOS Cover Magazine

The behind the scenes video is equally great:

So great that I couldn't resist live blogging it. Okay here we go:
- Oh wow the beginning where she death glares into your soul in case anyone saw her smile
- She's biting the record and it's kind of creepy but also pretty great oh wait she's actually kind of nibbling on it

- Her 'all or nothing' shopping habits aren't arbitrary, they totally correspond with her love life:

I didn't think she was an 'ASOS' girl, but her interview in the actual magazine is totally worth reading and she's been pretty ~*~ fashion ~*~ lately. She did warn us:

True love.


  1. I love Aubrey plaza!!! She is amazing ^^

  2. She looks so nice :)

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog, babe, your header is killer! xx

  4. I've never heard of Aubrey (don't hate me! haha) but she's so kooky and gorgeous in the most quirky way. Thank you for introducing her into my life! Oh, and I love your prose "Internet clutter of mundane and irrelevant commentary" ... I think I'm probably a guilty offender of this. :P

    <3 Mandy xx

  5. Ahh slowly becoming an anti-ASOS chick myself. But this did make me look twice. Loving the record biting (sorry, nibbling) gif.

    My latest post ** Working in Fashion: Interview **
    Lots of love, M

  6. love her! i love this cover!

    love from San Francisco,

  7. Love Aubrey Plaza :D
