Wednesday, 3 July 2013

That time I got Instagram

Some time in May, at some house party, alcohol was consumed, an inflatable pool was inflated, water was present - I was thrown in aforementioned pool (in favor of my drunken self, but against my sober will), and my 3 year old piece of crap Nokia went down with this intoxicated mess of a ship.

And so began my short-lived relationship with Instagram (thanks to a friend who had an old HTC to spare me for a few months):

- The Opera House at 7 in the morning for TEDxSydney -

- Jumping out of a plane or something -
- "That's not a character, it's a fucking map" / Dumpling party -

- First thing in the morning, 7am glow -

- "You can't wear stripes and plaid!" -

- Salad + flowers at TEDxSydney -

- Crowd sourced food fest at TEDxSydney -

- Tacky princesses / surprise parties -

- Birthday / slut day brunch for my favorite girl -

- "HAPPY SLUTDAY!" / With love -

- Cherry fingers -

- Cheesus -

- Sammy boy's pomegranate / lime juice ft. stolen coaster from Frankie's pizza -

- Not a good idea putting up slut bunting up next to a primary school -

- Of course this happened -


- O hai Benjamin McDonut -

- Homemade breakfasts / Adelaide -

- Last day of interning -

- Most Australian moment of my life / Wild kangaroos! -

And now I use this! No Instagram / Snapchat, no.


  1. Haha, woo for instagram! Even if only for a short time :D

    I like your Sony Ericsson, it looks like a solid, loyal friend :)))

    Totally dig the Slut Day spread. Looks like you had fun eating salads and jumping out of planes :DD

  2. I rely far too much on my smart phone

    @pixelhazard | Bright Green Laces |

  3. awesome pictures!!

  4. stripes and plaid really can't be beat - love that parka/utility jacket you added on top. beautiful pictures too - very wildfox-esque...

  5. It might have had a short life... but it was a good one! Beautiful pics :D
